Saturday, December 28, 2013


Theory of plate tectonics paragraphs.

        Plate tectonics is a theory that describe the plate movement.I agree with the plate tectonic because the movement of the plate created the seven continent that we have now on the earth.
        One piece of evidence show that plate tectonics can be trust is when the plate move it creates different kinds of boundary. Divergent boundary, Convergent boundary, and Transform boundary. Divergent boundary is when two move from each other, it creates the rift valley. When it happen under the ocean we call it seafloor spreading and it expand the ocean base. Convergent boundary is when two plate comes together, it creates different type of mountain. Transform boundary is when two plates move side by side, it creates earthquake. When it happen under the ocean it creates tsunami.
        Another piece of evidence show that plate tectonics can be trust is the theory of continental drift. Continental drift is the theory that describe all the plates are all together in the same plate call Pangaea. When the time goes by the big plate start to break in to seven pieces and keep moving slowly.
        Convection Current can also be a piece of evidence to show that tectonic can be trust. Convection current means that when heat from outer core goes up to the mantel and it become cold and goes down to the outer core. It effect the plate because it makes the plate move, and it happen all the time.
        In conclusion, I think plate tectonics is reliable. Because base on the evidence that I have is enough to prove that theory of tectonics is true.


What did you enjoy most about this project and why?

- I think the part that I most enjoy is when we doing the experiment, because I like to do things like that, and when we doing the experiment we remember. 

What was most challenging for you during this project and why?

- I think the part that is most challenging is to draw the Rig of Fire map. because you have to focus, is so easy to make mistake.

What new skills did you learn from doing this project?

- The new skill that i learn form doing this project is to know how to show people the convection currents.

Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work? Explain.

- I think I should draw the Ring of Fire again, because some the location that I draw is not really correct.

What would you change about this project?


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